Mary Driver-Thiel
Please check here for my latest news, any upcoming events, and occasionally some of my thoughts on writing.
July, 2024
For years, my contrary nature caused me to resist going to Ragdale despite (or maybe because) everyone declared it magical, wonderful, inspirational, etc., etc. However, last spring circumstances fell together in a way that set such a clear yellow brick road, I conquered my intractability and applied for a week-long residency in June.
Holy cow. The experience was so amazing I literally couldn’t talk about it for a week. My first night there, I dreamt I was traveling in a beautiful country far, far from home. The delight of that dream stayed with me for the entire week, especially on morning walks through the prairie.
In workshops, I filled nearly eighty pages of my journal with notes, ideas, and plans. In free time, I revised three stories, polished a memoir chapter, and started a new novel. The people in my cohort were fascinating and inspiring; each one of them stunningly talented at writing. I slept in Sylvia Shaw’s childhood room and was only a little regretful not to have seen her ghost, though I’m fairly certain her spirit was by my side daily.
May, 2024
Writing is so much more than actual writing. Since my last update, this is what’s taking up my time:
-- Querying agents. Definitely a drag.
-- Re-connected with Off Campus Writers Workshop after a long winter of only Zoom meetings. First, an excellent in-person presentation by Christi Clancy, author of Shoulder Season and The Second Home. Afterward, lunch with several people from the group whose kindness, encouragement, and positive energy underscore the value of in-person events and a strong support community. (
--Re-connected in person with the Local Authors groups from Cook Memorial Library. Another awesome support groups of good people who are excellent writers. (
--BIG NEWS: I’ll be going to Ragdale in June for a week-long residency. More on that later . . .
April, 2023
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person on the planet with mixed feelings about technology. Every day, I depend on my computer, my tablet, my smart phone, and my smart watch, yet there are days when I swear I'd prefer parchment paper and quill pens. Though I don't normally write personal essays, a recent spate of tech glitches inspired me to submit a short piece to Off Campus Writers Workshop, which they published in their About Wrote column. Please read it at the Off Campus Writers Workshop.
February, 2023
My website has a new look!
In addition to refreshing the layout and visuals, I’ve simplified the tabs to keep this an easy place to share what I’m working on and what events are on my calendar. With three new books in draft form, I’m looking forward to getting them published and in the hands of my readers. I’ve also got nearly a dozen new short stories ready to send out into the world.
March, 2022
It's been nearly fours years since I've posted an update. Chalk it up to the pandemic, being generally overwhelmed, and any other readily available excuse. I have, however, been writing. If all goes according to plan I will have new books available soon. More coming later.
June 14, 2018
Back in November, I thought I had the manuscript finished but, fortunately, I have a wonderful agent who was honest enough to set me straight when my starry-eyed enthusiasm for the new story blinded me to the fact that major revisions were needed. And I'm discovering so much more about these characters, the world they occupy, and why this particular story is important to me. Hoping to have a presentable draft done by the end of the summer. Stay tuned.
January 14, 2017
Author event at Cook Memorial Library @ 2:30 pm
January, 2017
I've almost finished the first draft of my new novel! 248 pages and counting. One character, in particular, is going to undergo a drastic change. From where I sit now, that looks like at least another six months of work.
In the meantime, when the novel gets too frustrating, I play around with short stories. One of my favorites just got published last month at Boomer Lit ( Now I just need to find homes for the other dozen or so stories.
January 12, 2016
Lake Bluff Library Book Club Author Talk @ 7:00 pm
This week I had the chance to meet with the Lake Bluff Library Book Club. They had chosen The World Undone for this month's discussion and invited me for a Q & A. Really smart women asked really good questions, and I had such a good time. Thanks, Ladies!